Basics of C Programming

⯈Basic C Programs

Bitwise operators in C

The bitwise operators work on the bit pattern of the number. These operators can only be applied on the integers. It is highly advised that you study the base conversions before going through this tutorial.

Note: Even the shift operators that we have studied are bitwise operators. Here we will study the other bitwise operators.

  1. Bitwise AND (&)
  2. Bitwise XOR (^)
  3. Bitwise OR (|)
  4. Negation (~)

You may refer to the video posted at the end of this page.

Bitwise AND (&)

  • It is a binary operator.
  • & is read as “ampersand

Truth table for AND is, 

Truth table AND

Let us take examples and understand this operator.

y = 25 & 19

We convert 25 to binary and 19 to binary and take bit by bit AND value of it.

bitwise and


25 & 19 = 17

Note: We would have written all the 32 bits, since all the LHS bits from position 5 are 0, we ignore that, as it won't affect our answer.

What to do if both the number of different number of bits, we pad 0’s to make both the number to have equal number of bits.

Lets take an example and understand this.

y = 7 & 10

7 in binary is 111.

10 in binary is 1010.

Since 7 has three bits and 10 has four bits, we append 0 to 7, to make it as 4 bits.

bitwise and example


7& 10 = 2

-1 & -2 = -2

25 & -15 = 17

Note : Convert the negative numbers in 2’s complement form. If the result is negative (MSB is 1) then get the number back from 2’s complement. You may refer here or you may refer the negation operator discussed at the bottom of this page.

Bitwise XOR (^)

  • It is a binary operator.
  • ^ is read as “carat

Truth table for XOR is, 

truth table XOR

Let us take examples and understand this operator.

y = 25 & 19

We convert 25 to binary and 19 to binary and take bit by bit XOR value of it.

xor example

If the numbers have different bits, then we pad 0’s to make them of equal length and then take bitwise XOR.

Lets take an example and understand this.

y = 7 ^ 10

7 in binary is 111.

10 in binary is 1010.

Since 7 has three bits and 10 has four bits, we append 0 to 7, to make it as 4 bits.

If we perform 7 ^ 10 we get 13. (Do it yourself)

-1 ^ -2 = 1

25 ^ -15 = -24

Note : Convert the negative numbers in 2’s complement form. If the result is negative (MSB is 1) then get the number back from 2’s complement. You may refer here or you may refer the negation operator discussed at the bottom of this page.

Bitwise OR ( | )

  • It is a binary operator.
  • | is read as “pipe

Truth table for OR is, 

bitwise or truth table

Let us take examples and understand this operator.

y = 25 | 19

We convert 25 to binary and 19 to binary and take bit by bit OR value of it.

or example

If the numbers have different bits, then we pad 0’s to make them of equal length and then take bitwise OR.

Lets take an example and understand this.

y = 7 | 10

7 in binary is 111.

10 in binary is 1010.

Since 7 has three bits and 10 has four bits, we append 0 to 7, to make it as 4 bits.

If we perform 7 | 10 we get 15. (Do it yourself)

-1 | -2 = -1

25 | -15 = -7

Note : Convert the negative numbers in 2’s complement form. If the result is negative (MSB is 1) then get the number back from 2’s complement. You may refer here or you may refer the negation operator discussed at the bottom of this page.

Negation (~)

  • It is a unary operator.
  • It flips the given bit pattern.
  • If we get the MSB in answer as 1, it means that the number is negative, and we need to get back the number from 2’s complement.

Let us understand the negation operator with an example,

y = ~5 

Here we convert 5 to binary and flip all the bits.


We see that the MSB of ~5 is 1, that means the number is negative. The negative number are stored in 2’s complement form. Hence, we need to get the original number from it. Therefore, the ~5, is in 2’s complement form.

The process,

  1. Get the 1’s complement from the 2’s complement number by subtracting 1.
  2. Invert all the bits to get the original number. (Don’t invert the MSB)
negation example

we see that the final answe has the bit pattern 110, which is 6, and MSB is 1. Therefore, ~5 = -6

In general, we can say,

~N = -(N+1)


~1 = -2

~(-5) = 6

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